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The first thing to understand about hiring a coach is that it is an INVESTMENT.
Not a luxury…

Professional athletes don’t go to a coach when they are losing, they start the game with a coach and a clear game plan.
Professional actors don’t go to a coach if they suck at acting, they work with a coach before they audition for a role to ensure they are on point.
Business owners don’t hire a coach once the business has fallen apart, they bring them on to build an efficient and profitable business from the start.
A coach is an investment.
An investment that generates a quantifiable return.
How much of a return depends on 2 things.
1. The exact and specific nature of the relationship between you and the coach. If you are trying to scale your business and hire a yoga coach, you wont see growth in the business, so you must seek out someone who has a proven and profitable track record of not only scaling their own business, but in helping others do the same. If you want to figure out how to create more HOME/WORK balance, hire a coach who is profitable in business but has a lifestyle that you would like to duplicate.
2. Your work ethic. A good coach will punch you in the face, not wrap you in a fuzzy blanket. In order for you to scale and grow, you will have to do DIFFICULT work. Not MORE work, or impossible work, but work that will require your attention, commitment and focus. A good coach will push the hell out of you accepting ZERO excuses until the target and goal is reached. A good coach will NEVER do the work for you, but help you build a map that you can follow, and when needed get you back on track easily and efficiently.
No matter what you are doing in life from playing sports, singing songs, starting an e-commerce business, building a real estate brokerage, insurance company or clothing company, someone has already done what you are trying to do, and they have done it very well.
Those are the people you want to coach you.
If you want to build a social media following, find someone with a large social media following, and pay them to teach you what they did and how they did it.
If you want to double or triple the revenue in your business, scale your business, or simply start a business, find someone who has done exactly what you are wanting to do and pay them to teach you exactly how they did it.
The most important thing to remember is that hiring a coach is not a LUXURY, it s a necessity and an investment that will shorten the learning and success curve giving you RESULTS NOW, vs years down the road and after lot’s of banging your head against the wall.

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You complicate too many things.
Go to a professional baseball or basketball game. These guys are making tens of millions of dollars a year to play MLB or in the NBA.
Seriously, get to the game a little early and just watch them. What do you see?
You see grown men making MILLIONS to play the game doing the EXACT SAME THINGS kids in high school are doing.
Long toss.
Literally if you went to a High School baseball or basketball game you will see pimple faced teenagers doing the exact same thing that guys with $200,000,000 contracts do.
Here is what separates the pros from everyone else.
They focused on the simple shit and did it over, and over, and over again while everyone else was looking for the “magic pill” to make them better.
Pros MASTER the basics.
Amateurs look for the magic pill, shortcut and secrets.
Want to make more money?
Want to get into great shape?
Want to be EXCELLENT at anything in life?

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First of all, you CAN NOT stop school shootings.
Just like you can not stop prostitution, drug sales, murder, bad parenting, obesity and robbery.
It would be nice to see all these things magically disappear, but as long as there are people having children there will be bad parents and as long as people have anger issues there will be murder.
Guns are a foundational part of this country. America was founded on bloodshed, war and by men who used guns. It’s in our DNA, laws and culture. No matter how hard you fight this, riot or protest, you can not change the DNA of this nation.
The euphoric idealists on the planet would like you to believe it’s possible to just wave a wand or pass a law that will magically take 200,000,000+ guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, but this will never happen.
Forget the fact the 2nd amendment (and whatever other brilliant thing our founding fathers did) to ensure these guns can never be taken, millions of men around this country just like me will never give them up and will literally die for that right.
I am a father of 3 children all in the public education system. I am also a gun owner and no one including a government will ever take my guns. My ability to purchase guns may become more difficult, but the truth is most guns used in this country for death and murder were purchased legally.
I don’t fear sending my kids to school, but what I do fear is illogical, uneducated and irresponsible people with a loud voice backed by profit machines called main street media get their way.
WE THE PEOPLE are a good, honest, law abiding people. School shootings are on the rise, but this has NOTHING to do with guns, just like the obesity epidemic has nothing to do with ice cream (or any other sugary treat that has been around since we were born)
What exactly do we do to REDUCE potential violence to not only our schools but our churches, streets, homes etc?
We can’t stop gun violence, but I believe we can slow it down and in the process save many many lives that would otherwise be taken.
We can do this is 2 simple steps.
Step 1.
Get SERIOUS about the prescription drug epidemic in America. Do you have any idea what these drugs are doing to our kids? Chemicals proven to cause massive health issues being pumped into our children’s systems simply because they won’t sit down? America has a MASSIVE drug problem. And I’m not talking about the dude slinging rocks on the corner, I’m talking about the billionaire wearing a $10,000 suit running a pharmaceutical company. If you as a parent are not willing to do anything and everything before pumping drugs into your kid, and he/she shoots up a school, that’s as much on you as them. These little impressionable brains of our youth are being scrambled because doctors don’t give a damn about truly getting to know little Peter, but he will sure as hell will tell his mom to pump him full of chemicals right after golfing with the drug reps that so intentionally and profitably push their drugs to be prescribed.
Step 2.
Allow teachers to carry firearms. I did not say MAKE TEACHERS CARRY GUNS, I said allow teachers who hunt and already carry and or conceal off school grounds to do the same on school property. Again, this euphoric idea that guns and violence will magically disappear if you put some crying millennials on TV is bogus. So let’s get real. The only way to stop a bad guy is a good guy doing something about it. That ain’t wishful thinking, that is REAL. If someone breaks into your house to kill your family, that is what we refer to as a “bad guy”. If you as a mother or father get up and stop that person by any means necessary including using a gun or knife or baseball bat, you are what we refer to as a “good guy”. If however you lay in bed and do nothing, you and your family dies. I for one consider myself a good guy, so I will stop at nothing to ensure a “bad guy” can not do harm to my child or your child. Every school in America should allow teachers who already carry to carry. We could literally make this reality by the end of today.
I wish people didn’t kill other people, but my wishes and prayers and hopes don’t mean jack sh*t to a guy who is hell bent on harming someone.
Since neither you nor I can stop evil from happening, how about we do the right thing and stop damaging our children’s brains and all sense of logic and reason. And while we are at it, let’s use some good ol’ common sense and get some more armed good guys in the picture so we can ensure that our kids at least have a fighting chance WHEN evil shows up.

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Thousands of books have been written about how to get in shape, lose weight, burn fat, gain muscle, and get in the best shape of your life.
I have read and studied COUNTLESS fitness programs and worked with a dozen trainers and have come to the following conclusion on how you get ripped.
Before I share this with you I must state the following.
I am NOT a doctor.
I am NOT a certified trainer with ABC and XYZ certifications.
I am NOT a nutritionist.
I am however a 39 year old man with 3 kids, multiple businesses, 3 dogs, 6 chickens, a house payment, cell phone bill, utilities, employees, and all the other regular every day shit that regular every day people gotta deal with.
No silver spoon here.
No special genetics here.
So here is the SECRET to getting in shape according to a real dude.
#1. Eat real food. If I can shoot it, I’ll eat it. If I can grow it, I’ll eat it. Processed shit is just that, shit. Chicken, eggs, steaks, elk, deer, buffalo, fish. Eat these things. Eat LOTS of these things. Anything GREEN that grows in the ground or comes from a tree/ plant/ bush etc, eat that stuff. Eat LOTS of that stuff.
#2. Lift heavy things, them put them down. REPEAT. SWEATING every day because you are moving your body is called FITNESS. Don’t have a gym? You are broke? Pick up a big rock and carry it around the block 10 times. Don’t know how to lift weights? GOOGLE IT! The simple act of lifting heavy things, and/ or moving your body so that it produces sweat is all you need. PERIOD. Fuck all the fancy shit. Put your kid on your back and walk a mile with them. Pick up your dog and do air squats with it. You DO NOT need fancy gyms or weights to get in shape, you simply need to MOVE YOUR BODY so that you sweat!
Combine these 2 things and walla! You will get in shape.
*P.S. all the comments that are about to come from all the “experts” about macros, pacros, hippos, dippos etc, and all the chubby fellas with the “certification” at your local gym who are about to school us on how to lift can shove it. The savages that came before us over the last 10,000 years that did not have Whole Foods or Golds Gym ate REAL FOOD and LIFTED HEAVY SHIT and they outlived us, and looked better than us. That is all the “proof” you need about what to do. PERIOD.

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As a coach and someone who speaks with people all around the globe, I hear this all the time. In fact, I hear these things more than anything else from people:
“I’m 100% in Sean.”
“I’m ready to change my life Sean.”
“I’m committed Sean.”
It sounds really good.
Hell, some people get so fired up and start telling me about all the grand shit they are going to do and accomplish because they are FINALLY READY!
Then I tell them to jump. To get in the ring. To write the check. To send the text message.
“Well you see Sean.”
“Ahhhhh, I thought you meant.”
“My cat ate my checkbook.”
Talking about doing shit is EASY. Talking about how you are going to radically change your life is like a sport to people. They are SO GOOD at sitting on the sidelines talking about how they would do this or that if it was them in the ring, then when I tell them to get in the ring, they come up with every excuse under the sun.
Listen, there is a BLACK AND WHITE way to tell if you are serious. If you are indeed “ready” and if your word means jack shit.
You will jump.
You will put your money where your mouth is. Literally.
After my divorce I told my perspective coach I was “ALL IN” and ready to make HUGE changes in my life.
He listened, then told me how much it was to join his program.
Ummmm. “Yea, so let me get back to you” I said.
I wasn’t ready, and I was full of shit about how much I wanted to change my life.
So did I commit? When did I actually want to change my life as much as I said I did?
When I wrote him a check.
When I put my money where my mouth was.
When was I ready to go into the deep end of the pool physically? To really push myself and overcome fears etc?
When I stepped on 4oz gloves and got in the cage to fight another man.
My words mean very little without action.
Your words mean very little without action.
As a coach, I’ll know you mean what you say and are ready to change your life as soon as I see you in the ring, or your check clears the bank.

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True power and business success come from making a choice, educating yourself, putting the blinders on, and making shit happen.

Do you know why most people fail in business? Because they LISTEN TO UNQUALIFIED PEOPLE. They listen to and give weight to the words of the people in the stands. The armchair quarterbacks. The people who are content sitting on the sidelines yapping at the people who are actually playing the game. You won’t have business success, or success in any area of your life, if you let the ideas and opinions of others dictate whether or not you go after your dreams.
Think about it. How many of the people around you have ever started a business? How many have taken the chance on themselves and taken the necessary and decisive actions to move toward their dreams and goals? Instead of sitting on the couch WISHING they had the balls to reach for what they desire. Probably not very many, if any at all.
So, why is it that you allow these people to speak down to or discourage you? Why are you listening to their “advice” or judgments when it comes to you moving toward your dreams and goals? Who are they, to think that they have anything valuable to share when it comes to something that they have literally never done, and possibly never even contemplated doing? And why are you allowing them to take up space in your head?
I’m 99% sure that most of the people around you have never started anything, or taken steps to move forward on their own ideas. Yet they want to tell you how to reach yours. They want to tell you what you’re doing wrong, or what won’t work, or why you should just abandon your dreams altogether. Even though they have NEVER DONE ANYTHING THEMSELVES.

This is EXACTLY why you must do these 5 things:
1. Ignore them. Are they paying your bills? Are they helping you achieve what you want in your life? No. They aren’t. And that means they don’t matter.
2. Hire a coach. Find someone doing what you want to be doing, pay them to teach you how they do it, then add your spice to it and run with it.
3. Join a mastermind full of other people who are doing the work. They won’t tell you your ideas are silly or stupid, and they’ll be there to both encourage you and also hold you accountable.
4. Tighten up your circle. Start by following, and surrounding yourself with, the people who are doing what you want to be doing. Remember, you are the average of the 5 people you are closest to. So if your close circle is full of losers, chances are you’re a loser too. But you don’t have to be. Level up your circle to level up your life.
And the most important piece of this:
5. Stop listening to 95% of the shit you hear! Stop listening to broke people about money. Stop listening to fat lazy people about fitness and nutrition. Stop listening to people in shitty relationships tell you about how to have a good relationship. Stop listening to people who are shitty parents tell you about parenting. Stop letting the ideas and opinions of others keep you from doing and being whatever the fuck you want to do or be.

It’s easy to talk shit from a keyboard, or from the couch. It’s easy to judge AFTER the fact. It’s easy for people who have never actually tried to go out and start a business, or get in shape, or build an epic love story to run their mouths. You can’t stop them. But you CAN stop listening to them. In fact, if you really want to succeed, you MUST stop listening to them.

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Knowing that you don’t know everything is the first step toward learning.

I’m infatuated with the truth of NOT knowing. I used to think I knew it all. If I didn’t know I’d pretend I did. I’d posture as though I did. I’d talk over anyone who doubted or debated. I refused to admit that I didn’t know something. It was all about being right. It was all about my ego.
Then a few years back I realized there is nothing wrong with NOT knowing. There is nothing wrong with not having the answer. In fact, if you can admit that you don’t know something, chances are you’ll learn something really amazing.
So, I got really comfortable ASKING QUESTIONS and EXPLORING. I set my ego aside and opened my mind to new ideas. With that choice, I began a lifelong quest to LEARN every day. Through study, talking to experts, and getting comfortable admitting when I didn’t know something I began to learn things I’d never even considered before. And the more I learned, the more I WANTED to learn. It was like my appetite to learn had suddenly been put into overdrive and I couldn’t learn fast enough.
Knowing you DON’T know is actually the best thing TO KNOW! Once you can admit that, the world becomes an amazing experience of learning and growing. Stop trying to be the loudest fucker in the room and start listening to the people around you. I promise you’ll be amazed at what you can learn in a single conversation if you’ll just shut the fuck up and LISTEN.

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“Comparison Is the Thief of Joy” – Theodore Roosevelt

Stop comparing yourself to other people. Whether it’s in your business, your relationships, your physical fitness, or anything else. First, it’s a great way to derail whatever it is you’re working on. Second, it’s a huge waste of time. Third, all you are actually seeing is what they want to show you. So you’re comparing yourself to a lie.
The Joneses are just as jacked up as you are. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t make it not true. Look, I believe in being fully authentic when I show up with my community online. With me, what you see is what you get. I learned the hard way that hiding who I really was, what I was really feeling, and pretending to be something I wasn’t was the fastest way to a life of misery. I made a decision to show up and be real, but some people aren’t ready for that, and that’s on them. But when you’re looking at someone else’s life on Facebook or Instagram and comparing yourself to them, there’s a good chance you are comparing yourself to a lie. And a lie is impossible to compete with. Remember, what you see on social media is what they WANT you to see, not the truth.
Stop wasting time worrying about what everyone around you is doing, and focus on your own shit. I’ve watched so many people who had the potential to be successful end up failing because they were so worried about what everyone around them was doing. They spent more time comparing themselves to the fake lives they saw on social media, making choices based on what their “friends” claimed to be doing, putting their energy into trying to “keep up” with what they saw instead of into things they could actually control, and would actually propel them forward in their business and their life.
Sort your own shit out because the green grass you envy is actually astroturf.

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Veteran’s Day is a day to respect and honor the memory of the men and women who served and those who gave their lives for our freedom.

This is a photo of me raising the flag with my grandfather.
Raising the flag together was a morning ritual until I became old enough to do it myself, then he would stand beside me saluting as I hoisted the Stars and Stripes.
It’s because of men like my grandfather that pride and honor for this great land flows through my veins, and a tremendous amount of respect and appreciation for our Vets lives within my heart.
Veteran’s Day is a day to show respect and honor the memory of the men and women who served, and those who gave their lives for our freedom. We live in the greatest country in the world, and the men and women who serve in our armed forces make sure it stays that way. We wouldn’t be the United States of America without them.
Take the time today, and every day, to thank a Vet for their service. Buy their coffee or their meal. Shake their hand. Show them the deference and respect they have earned for sacrificing all that they have so that you can have the life that you do.
God Bless America!

37 years later. I think my grandfather would be proud

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Yea you heard that right, MOTIVATION IS BULLSH*T.
There are enough “MOTIVATIONAL” books available and videos online to have every man, woman and child JACKED OUT OF THEIR MIND enough to sprint up Mt. Everest 3 times before lunch!
So than why are people still BROKE, UNHAPPY, LAZY and FAT?
Because motivation is not what you need.
What you need is determine WAHT YOU WANT.
You see, having fun is WHAT I WANT TO DO, and it’s my WHY for making money. I LOVE to have fun, try new things, travel the world, buy fun stuff, eat out whenever I want, and be with my kids, and in order to do that I need money. My WHY is to have fun, and the kid of FUN i like to have requires money, so that is why I do what I do in business.
I want to be with my kids all the time, they make me happy! I love wresting with the kids, throwing the football, hiking, camping, and most of all running around like I’m still 15. And in order to do this I MUST BE IN SAHPE.
When you decide that being able to play with your kids is more important than eating like shit and avoiding working out, then you’ll start working out and eating right. You’ll invest in a coach, gym membership and nutritionist.
When you want to spend more time with your kids and not be at the office 20 hours a day, you’ll finally decide to HIRE A COACH that can help you build a business that allows you to MAKE MORE and WORK LESS.
So stop chasing motivation! Good hell any time you get on Facebook or Instagram there are 1,000’s of memes motivating you do more, be more, bla bla bla.
The number one thing you can do RIGHT NOW is answer this question:
Soon as you are CLEAR on that, then you can easily build a map to get there.
Decide where you want to go and what you want to do, then all that motivation mixed with THE CLEAR MAP YOU HAVE BUILT will transform you into a monster that gets everything you want!