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The first thing to understand about hiring a coach is that it is an INVESTMENT.
Not a luxury…

Professional athletes don’t go to a coach when they are losing, they start the game with a coach and a clear game plan.
Professional actors don’t go to a coach if they suck at acting, they work with a coach before they audition for a role to ensure they are on point.
Business owners don’t hire a coach once the business has fallen apart, they bring them on to build an efficient and profitable business from the start.
A coach is an investment.
An investment that generates a quantifiable return.
How much of a return depends on 2 things.
1. The exact and specific nature of the relationship between you and the coach. If you are trying to scale your business and hire a yoga coach, you wont see growth in the business, so you must seek out someone who has a proven and profitable track record of not only scaling their own business, but in helping others do the same. If you want to figure out how to create more HOME/WORK balance, hire a coach who is profitable in business but has a lifestyle that you would like to duplicate.
2. Your work ethic. A good coach will punch you in the face, not wrap you in a fuzzy blanket. In order for you to scale and grow, you will have to do DIFFICULT work. Not MORE work, or impossible work, but work that will require your attention, commitment and focus. A good coach will push the hell out of you accepting ZERO excuses until the target and goal is reached. A good coach will NEVER do the work for you, but help you build a map that you can follow, and when needed get you back on track easily and efficiently.
No matter what you are doing in life from playing sports, singing songs, starting an e-commerce business, building a real estate brokerage, insurance company or clothing company, someone has already done what you are trying to do, and they have done it very well.
Those are the people you want to coach you.
If you want to build a social media following, find someone with a large social media following, and pay them to teach you what they did and how they did it.
If you want to double or triple the revenue in your business, scale your business, or simply start a business, find someone who has done exactly what you are wanting to do and pay them to teach you exactly how they did it.
The most important thing to remember is that hiring a coach is not a LUXURY, it s a necessity and an investment that will shorten the learning and success curve giving you RESULTS NOW, vs years down the road and after lot’s of banging your head against the wall.