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Every fall before school my parents would take me shoe shopping. I had a $30 budget. This was about the time that Jordans came out. They were the shit! They were also $100. Every year I wanted to get the Jordans so bad, but I never wanted to spend $70 of my own money on them. So I never did. Kswiss and British knights were what I got.
In 40 years I’d never Owned a pair of Jordans. I’ve told this story thousands of times and no matter what Jordans came out or how cool I thought they were I never bought a pair simply because of the story that I had told since I was a kid…that I had never owned a pair.
I wore this story almost as a badge of honor. I can afford 100 pairs of Jordan’s but I literally had told this story so many times that I became addicted to it.
One night a few weeks ago I was laying in bed and I saw an ad for some vintage Jordans. I instantly told the story but then I paused. I asked myself why it is that I had really never bought a pair in almost 40 years?
Then I did something that freaked me out. I clicked on the button, entered my credit card and purchased my first pair of Jordan’s. When they showed up I opened the box and got emotional.
Not because of the shoes, But because I realized that I had been telling the story for so long it became my reality. I had no reason to NOT buy the shoes I wanted other than I thought it would defeat this cool story I had been telling for 40 years.
Then it hit me. I was addicted to a STORY and it was keeping me from having what I wanted.
Now I had the shoes, AND I still had the story! It hit me like a ton of bricks. How many stories am I telling that I’m addicted to? How many stories or patterns in my life have a SOLD myself that all were real, but with a simple action I could literally RE-WRITE?
Business. Money. Love.
How many STORIES was I telling myself that simply needed me to take a new action to re-write?
Over the last few weeks not only have I become an amateur sneaker head(I own 11 pairs of Jordan’s) but I’ve been RE-writing so many stories. In business. In my love life.
The crazy thing is this. Simply purchasing a pair of shoes helped me re-write a story I had been telling for all my life. There is a real possibility that some is the stories you and I tell that have a major strong hold on our life could be RE-written with something as simple as a new action.
Truth is this is MY book! These are MY CHAPTERS! I am in charge of MY STORY! You and I can literally RE WRITE everything!