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God willing you wake up to a new day, every morning you have 2 options.
1. Wake up at the last second, scramble to get all your shit together, rush out the door and start your day in chaos.
2. Wake up exactly when you want, spend time with you mind, read a little, study a little, workout and sweat, create some memories with the loved ones, then accomplish everything you want the way you want that day.
I have been prating a morning ritual for the last 4 years. I’ve tried things that don’t work. I’ve mastered things that do.
And the one thing I know with 100% surety is this.
If you fail to plan, plan to fail.
If you do not have a very specific and very intentional morning routine your day will rule and run you.
Stating your day in chaos will not result in good results at work or with the kids. Work is stressful, kids are stressful, so these things will just add to the already overwhelmingly intense day you are having.
Unless you are in complete control and have taken advantage of the opportunity to start your day on YOUR TERMS by doing POWERFUL and SPECIFIC things!
Many of you reading this say “I don’t have time” in the morning.
Reading a few pages, listening to a podcast or video on Youtube, doing some pushups and burpees. All of these things can be accomplished in 10-15 minutes, and if you say you don’t have 10 minutes you are really just saying “my morning is not important, and my mind is ok being chaotic.”
I wrote a small ebook about my morning rituals and morning routine.
It’s 100% free and you can get it here:
Try some of the things I suggest. Google what other people do in the morning. Copy what they are doing and find what works for you.
Regardless if you do what I do or what someone else does, it’s imperative YOU CREATE A MORNING ROUTINE THAT WORKS FOR YOU!

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Get out of your comfort zone.
Look, we are creates of habit and comfort. We hang out and associate with people that are just like us and that is good, but that does not help you EXPAND!
If everyone in your circle is smoking the same cigars guess what? You will never experience something new!
If your conversation is always about the same bitcoin theories, UFC fighters, cars etc, you never LEARN ANYTHING NEW!
Weirdos might be a little bit of a stretch of a word, but I think you get the point.
Find new people. People you have NOTHING in common with, and spend time with them!
I’m in the middle of developing and building a technology company so I’m spending a lot of time around kids who love video games, coding and all the other tech bullshit I know nothing about, and have ZERO interest in.
But I’m learning A TON from these kids, and they are learning a lot from me! It’s been a fascinating experience to spend the last year around a group of computer “nerds” that don’t hint, ride harleys or smoke stogies. They see my company and how I can do better. They have a skill set that has helped me refine my project in ways my friends who act and think like me never could!
So here is the skinny.
Hang out with the weirdos. Hang out with the people that have nothing in common with you. Spend time in places you’d not usually hang out and I guarantee if you do so with the intent to connect, learn, and add value, your mind will be absolutely blown!

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The old saying is “you are who your friends are.”
I firmly believe that. I also believe the longer we hang around people we become much like them.
Look at your immediate circle of friends. I’m talking about the ones you see the most, either personally or professionally. You are probably not much different than them.
If they (as a collective group, not just 1 or 2) are in shape, I bet your fitness is a priority to you and you workout as well.
If you are broke or working 9-5, chances are you are not hanging out with people who are running their own business or making a lot of money.
This is a HUGE thing to pay attention to in your life for a reason. The reason is this. YOU CAN CONTROL WHO YOU HANG OUT WITH, ASSOCIATE WITH, AND LISTEN TO. You are in compete control of who you allow in your space, or what space you are in.
So the first and most immediate step in changing your life is to CHOOSE, then the nest thing is to start hanging out with people who are doing what you want to be doing, earning what you want to be earning, and living how you want to be living.
You are who you friends are.
So if you want to be a better person. you may just need to find new friends.

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As I mentioned in my book ‘HOW TO MAKE SH*T HAPPEN’ Core 4 is the daily structure I use to get things done, eliminate chaos, and have a clear path to my goals.
CORE 4….
is the exact tool I used to go from the bottom of the barrel to building a multi-million-dollar global brand. It is the tool that took me from having a gun in my mouth to smiling non-stop.
CHAOS is the enemy of good fitness, a profitable business, deep and connected relationships, and a clear mind. CHAOS produces shitty results.
CORE 4 is literally the source and foundation of everything for me.
Every single day, every action you and I take, every experience you and I have, falls into one of 4 categories. Everything we do and experience involves our body, our relationships, our mind, and by extension our business. It is all directly connected to CORE 4.
There is nothing that happens in my day that does not fit into CORE 4. There is nothing I could create that fits outside of CORE 4.
SO, WHAT THE HELL IS CORE 4? CORE 4 is simply this:

POWER – (body)
PASSION – (relationships)
PURPOSE – (the mind)
PRODUCTION – (business)
When we talk about CORE 4, we are talking about each of these areas in their entirety. Everything happening each day comes from – or is related to – one (or all) of these things.
Your BODY.
Your MIND.

Your literal and physical BODY.
Your RELATIONSHIPS, not only intimate but family, friends, co-workers, children, etc.
Your MIND, and the ability you have to fill it with positive thoughts and valuable and useful knowledge.
Your BUSINESS, income, and financial security.
Everything that happens, every day, falls into one of these four areas. Everything you want to create or do fits within one of these four areas. Every goal you will ever set, inside CORE 4.
Every dream you ever have, inside CORE 4.
Everything from the kid’s soccer game to having sex applies to CORE 4. Every aspect of your life IS CORE 4.

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Why we all need a TRIBE
I was the “alpha” male who knew it all. If I did not have an answer I lied to sound like I did.
This method didn’t work out so well for me because when shit got tough, I could not bullshit my way out of serious situations.
When I joined my first mastermind/ coaching group something shifted in me. I realized a few things that forever changed my life.
1. I was not alone. I found that there were quite a few people out there that had difficult situations just like me. Many men and women were just as dark as I was and many of them had found ways to overcome a lot of the things I struggled with.
2. It was so much easier to just say “I don’t know how to do this” then find someone who did, than pretend and bang my head against the wall over and over again!
3. Having a group of people you could rely on and connect with 24/7 was almost like having a team of people with me all the time who were there to help!
This is why years later I have taken all the lessons I’ve learned and put them into my own coaching group called THE LIONS DEN.
Hundreds of people from around the globe in one group working together each and every day to master CORE 4 and create better lived for themselves and their families.
We just recently concluded a 2 day retreat for THE LIONS DEN here in Salt Lake City. (I do these spontaneous events for my private groups) The feedback and responses were overwhelming!
So many members of THE LIONS DEN working together on starting new businesses, growing their already existing business and working together to strengthen their minds, bodies and families.
Watching men and women over the last 3 years since I started this group grow not only financially but emotionally and spiritually has been life changing for me. the reason it affects me so much is because we are all in this journey together. I’m learning and growing every day, and so are the members. I”m investing in my own growth and business and these lessons I’m sharing are helping members of THE LIONS DEN grow their own world, and at the end of the day WE ARE ALL WINNING because we are part of a TRIBE.
If you feel alone and without a TRIBE just look around.
Ask yourself if the people you are associated with, hanging out with, working with etc are people who are helping you GROW. Are they pushing you to be more fit, to be more finically stable and are they building deeper relationships with you? If the answer is no, FIND A NEW TRIBE right now!
Be willing to invest. Be willing to join a group that will PUSH YOU to be a bigger and better version of yourself and the return on your investment (both time and money) will pay you an infinite return!

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Sean tells a little bit of his history and story on his childhood, his marriage and divorce, making and losing millions in business, depression, suicide, and everything in between. His insight into the new podcast and show and what to expect in future episodes.

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